Our collections department is an integral part of our
litigation branch. It is not a poor relation housed in
the attic. The whole firm is active in it.
Although by no means is our practice limited to
collections. We believe a blend of practice maintains our
active community contacts and cross-pollenizes our legal
firm was recently recognized by the Commercial Law League of America
for over a half century of membership, a standard which we
envision will be held for generations to come.
our debtor contact is done either by attorneys or by fully
qualified legal personnel carefully trained to pick up
signs of collectibility of what may become a legal case.
We consider this a legal service and undertake it
carefully and professionally. Others may harass the debtor
- our aim is to collect.
of our personnel are fully versed with all aspects of the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act as well as the Fair
Credit Reporting Act which we always strive to be in full
compliance. All personnel are regularly updated at office
meetings as well as in-house seminars as to any new
procedures in addition to reviewing the old.